Interview with Juanita Toledo

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Navigating Identity and Empowerment: A Candid Conversation with Juanita

Embracing Multifaceted Identity and Challenging Stereotypes

In a world where identities are often complex and multidimensional, Juanita’s voice shines through as a powerful testament to the resilience of the human spirit. The conversation between Juanita and Del Curfman delves deep into the intricate interplay of identity, heritage, and self-discovery, touching on topics ranging from Indigenous perspectives to gender roles and sexuality.

Defying Labels and Embracing Identity

Juanita’s narrative unfolds as a compelling exploration of identity, confronting the confines of societal labels and embracing the richness of her multifaceted heritage. Her Afro-Indigenous background weaves a tapestry of diverse origins, including Jemez Pueblo, Cree, Comanche Numinu, and African roots. Through her candid insights, Juanita challenges the limitations of identity, asserting that the power to define oneself ultimately rests within.

“I think one very important thing that I’ve learned about my identity is that no one gets to define it for me.”

Unveiling the Notion of “Urban Indian”

A thought-provoking aspect of the conversation revolves around the concept of the “urban Indian.” Juanita’s perspective on this term is rooted in reclaiming agency over self-identification. Rather than allowing geographical location to pigeonhole individuals, she prefers to define an “urban Indian” as an Indigenous person residing in a metropolitan area. Her emphasis on personal experiences and connections speaks volumes about the significance of self-definition.

“So I’d like to say, ‘An Indigenous person who resides in the city, in a metropolitan area. That’s how I define an urban Indian, someone who lives, works, and plays in a metropolitan area.'”

The Empowerment of Cultural and Spiritual Continuity

Throughout the conversation, Juanita reflects on the strength derived from her cultural and spiritual bonds. Her poignant observations emphasize that these connections transcend physical environments, reinforcing her sense of self even amidst the bustling urban landscape.

“My cultural and spiritual connection is with me no matter where I go. And I think that’s a very empowering thought to have.”

Juanita’s unwavering belief in the intrinsic power of heritage and spirituality underscores her determination to thrive regardless of external circumstances. Her words echo the sentiment that beneath the veneer of cityscapes lies the essence of Mother Earth, a constant reminder of the enduring ties to ancestral lands.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of our series, where we delve deeper into Juanita’s journey, exploring the intersection of gender roles, sexuality, and empowerment as she navigates the complexities of her identity. In her own words, Juanita shares insights into the profound influence of allyship, the importance of safe spaces, and the triumphant journey towards self-acceptance and self-love.

Navigating Gender Roles and Sexual Identity

Juanita’s narrative takes a heartfelt turn as she shares her struggles with navigating the intersections of gender roles and sexual identity. Growing up within the Jemez Pueblo community, she reflects on the contrast between the matriarchal traditions of her culture and the patriarchal influences introduced by colonialism. Juanita’s journey toward self-acceptance was marked by internal conflicts fueled by societal norms and religious teachings.

“I struggled with myself because I thought something was wrong with me.”

The Complexity of Sexual Identity

Juanita’s experiences exemplify the complexity of sexual identity, echoing the sentiment that labels can sometimes feel limiting. Her reluctance to confine herself to a single term reflects a desire to transcend societal expectations and embrace a spectrum of emotions and experiences. Her insights challenge the notion that self-discovery should adhere to rigid definitions.

“I take issue with labeling and identifying as one thing when it’s a spectrum.”

The Power of Unconditional Love and Support

Throughout her journey, Juanita draws strength from those who offer unconditional love and support. She speaks passionately about allies who embrace every facet of her identity and provide a safe haven for self-expression. Juanita’s gratitude for those who uplifted her during her darkest moments emphasizes the transformative impact of compassion and understanding.

“It’s just those actions that speak volumes to me as a person who has had a hard time struggling with sexual, racial identities. Just the people showing the love, no matter what.”

In Part 3 of our series, we conclude our exploration of Juanita’s narrative by delving into her empowering perspectives on self-love, spirituality, and the profound connections between humanity, nature, and the universe. Juanita’s profound insights inspire us to embrace the beauty of simplicity and the limitless potential of the human experience. Stay tuned as we unravel the final chapter of Juanita’s remarkable journey toward self-discovery and empowerment.

Discovering Inner Peace and Connection

Juanita’s journey toward self-empowerment is intertwined with her deep connection to spirituality and the natural world. Her words evoke a sense of inner peace and a recognition of the divine within all of us. By peeling back the layers of societal complexities, she discovers the simplicity and beauty of connecting with nature, understanding that we are spiritual beings experiencing a human existence.

“As complicated as life may be made out to be, I find value and honor and respect and simplicity in the simple ways of knowing, in the simple ways of being.”

Transcending Labels and Embracing Authenticity

Throughout her conversation, Juanita emphasizes the power of embracing authenticity and rejecting the limitations of labels. Her journey teaches us that true empowerment comes from within, from understanding that our identities are self-defined and boundless. She challenges the conventions of societal norms and expectations, urging us to find strength in our uniqueness.

“No one gets to define [identity] for you but you.”

The Power of Self-Love

Juanita’s narrative is a testament to the transformative power of self-love. She candidly shares her struggles with self-hatred and internal conflicts, ultimately realizing that the path to self-empowerment starts with self-acceptance. Her story resonates with individuals who have battled their inner demons and shines a light on the importance of valuing ourselves for who we truly are.

“It’s a very difficult thing to navigate—gender, sexuality…all of these things have shaped and formed this person I am today.”

Connection Between Humanity and the Universe

Juanita’s reflections highlight the profound connection between humanity, the natural world, and the universe. She sees herself as a vessel, a part of the greater cosmic dance, and finds solace in the realization that our essence is intertwined with everything around us. Her words encourage us to see beyond the surface and recognize the deeper connections that bind us all.

“The kingdom of Heaven is within and it’s all around…God is everything. God is everyone and no one all at the same time.”

As we conclude our journey through Juanita’s remarkable conversation, we are left with a profound sense of empowerment, self-discovery, and interconnectedness. Her experiences serve as a beacon of hope for those navigating their own paths of self-acceptance, identity, and spirituality. If you found her insights resonant and thought-provoking, we invite you to explore the full interview transcript to gain an even deeper understanding of Juanita’s journey. Join us in celebrating the power of self-love, authenticity, and the pursuit of truth.

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